Lågatun hytter
Lågatun hytter
Lise Bjelland
Lise Bjelland
Lågatun hytter
Lise Bjelland

Lågatun hytter, Nedre Suldal

Lågatun hytter has a nice view overlooking the Suldalslågen River. They have their own hut located along the river for fisher men.

At Lågatun you can rent cabins with an amazing view of Suldalslågen. Lågatun is located in the middle of Suldal, and the fishing culture is strong here; the area is very popular for the many salmon fishers that dream about long days with a fishing rod in the middle of Suldalslågen. People from all over the world come to stay at the cabins.

Guests must bring their own bed linnen, but it can be prepared for you at an additional fee.

Lågatun hytter, Nedre Suldal

Season: All year

Capacity:  2 cabins with bunk beds in two bedrooms.

For more information visit AirBnB here.

Lågatun hytter, Nedre Suldal
has an official eco-certification. On our website the "Tusstock" label will lead to accommodation and experiences that work actively to reduce their footprint and operate sustainably. See the full overview of sustainable experiences here.
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