Born som hoppar frå brygga
Hoppe frå brygga © Skattkammeret Suldal. Foto: Lise Bjelland
To i elva på laksefiske
Laksegiske © Skattkammeret Suldal. Foto: Lise Bjelland

For the little ones

Boat sea

There is not far between the good experiences for children and young people in Suldal. You can shower in a waterfall, go out in a boat in search of fish, challenge the family to bowling and dress up as king and queen for the tale of the White Bear before dancing in the hall of mirrors. Here is an overview of great experiences for the whole family.

1. Boat and fishing

In Suldal you have a number of beautiful and calm mountain lakes and fjords that are nice to test the fishing lure in for the whole family. At Mosvatnet in Gullingen there is a jetty from which you can easily fish with a beautiful sandy beach close by if you want to get out into the fresh mountain water itself. You can also hire a boat and canoe from Gullingen tourist center if you wish to go further out on the water. Maybe they find a desert island they can have as a short stop on the trip? If you wish to set out on Suldalsvatnet at Suldalsosen, you can also hire a boat and canoe from Vikane Hytetun or Energihotellet.

Hylen in Øvre Suldal and Vatlandsvåg on Ropeidhalvøya are great places for fjord fishing in idyllic surroundings. At Joker Vatlandsvåg on the Ropeid peninsula and from Fjord Expedition on Jelsa, you can hire a boat to set out in the spectacular fjord arms in the area. There is a rich variety of fish species in the lake.

2. Slide, jumping tower and activities in Suldal Bad

At Eide på Sand you will find Suldal's beautiful water park: Suldal Bad. Here you can enjoy yourself for hours with the outdoor hot tub, sauna stove, pool, slide, jumping tower and climbing wall. There is also a small cafe of its own there. Throughout the year, they also organize various nice events and activities.

3. Visit the salmon in the salmon studio

Laksestudio is a fun experience for young and old. Here you can learn more about the history of salmon and watch a video showing the difference between salmon and aure. Down in the studio you can see the salmon and the aure yourself, and maybe you will be able to see the difference between the two species after what you have learned in the exhibition? You can also try your hand as a fish inspector where you get a diploma if you manage to find all the fish hiding in the studio.

Open from June to September.

4. Dress up as king and queen at Nesasjøhuset

Nesasjøhuset is open all year with two exhibitions. On the top floor, you can enter Rasmus Løland's White Bear story where you can dress up as king and queen, dance in the hall of mirrors, participate in the White Bear to hear the story and climb high towers.

In the summer, Ryfylkemuseet also keeps the Kolbeinstveit museum open, where you can dress up like they did in the old days, feed the animals and help with the tasks on the farm. Litunet and Ryfylkemuseet's other facilities are also great experiences, which can also be explored outside of events and opening hours.

5. Challenge the family to bowling at Kulturhuset in Suldal

The Kulturhuset in Suldal is located in the center of Sand. Here they have a bowling alley with three lanes, where you can book an event or just one lane during opening hours. Several times a week they also show nice films and you can take a trip to the library to find something new and nice to read. They also have a cafe here, which is great for taking the little ones to so they can run around freely while the adults have a cup of coffee.

6. Mountain hike and shower in a real waterfall

In the villages in the municipality you will find many beautiful and varied hiking trails that are suitable for the little ones. If you need an easier trip or have a pram with you, the trail from the center of Sand over Høsebrua and further up the river via Garaneset is in the middle of nowhere. The Stegåsen area near Eide på Sand is also rich in hiking experiences in varied terrain, without it being too demanding. Mosvatnet around and Onglanuten at Gullingen are also suitable for those with shorter legs. On the way down from Onglanut, you can take a refreshing shower in the waterfall if you wish!

7. On two wheels

There are many small roads to explore in Suldal, and not all are equally demanding. The trip to Finnvk on the Ropeid peninsula is a great family trip. At Blåsjø you can enjoy fresh mountain air and the view over Norway's largest dam with posters and information that tell you more about the surrounding nature. With a trip on Sand, through the center of Nesflaten or on Suldalsosen, you get close to everyday life in the villages.

8. Games and activities on Sand Square

At Sand Torg, the children can play and enjoy themselves in the square while they grow up, enjoy something to eat from the local cafes or shop for what they need for the weekend. There are also often activities and nice events on the square. Follow "Sand i Suldal" on Facebook for the latest news.

9. Skiing and tobogganing

In winter, the little ones can try out the skiing area at Gullingen with tobogganing, jumping and much more. Skitrekket is also one of the few in Rogaland with tobogganing. Mosvatnet has its own children's trail with lights in the evening, but you can also find great walks such as Langeli and the light trail at Fjellbergskardet.

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