Born på fisketur
Fisketur © Skattkammeret Suldal. Foto: Arne Hadland.
Konsert på Kulturhuset © Skattkammeret Suldal. Foto: Arne Hadland.

Insider tips

Arts and crafts

Suldal is home to salmon fishermen, hiking enthusiasts, cyclists, culture-enthusiasts and many fleire. Here they share their best tips for good experiences in Suldal.


Ragnhild Solbakken

Ragnhild is a whirlwind of a human being, and via the Instagram profile hennar you can follow her beautiful walks in Suldalsheiane with friends and the dog Frøya. Ragnhild spent eight years in Stavanger before returning home to her home village of Sand to give the kids the same safe and good upbringing as she had. Today, ho lives here with her husband Øyvind and has two children.

1. What is your best hiking tip in Suldal?

I think there are many fun activities on Sand with fantastic scenery, fjords and mountains. In recent years, there have also been several walks around the municipality that I have not tried me on before. The last new experience was Grytenuten. A great trip with fantastic views!

2. What is your favorite experience in Suldal?

I have many favorite experiences in Suldal. Hellandsnuten and Sellandsnuten have fantastic views, so these are probably my favorite hikes, in addition to many other good hikes.

My best experience was when I and Elise Vognstølen decided to become "Nutfant" 10 gongeri last year. There were many long, beautiful walks in all kinds of weather and seasons. One of the hikes was to Hellandsnuten where I wade in snow up to my waist. It was a wonderful feeling when I got to the top and got a fantastic sunset. The trip is fresh in your memory!

3. What should people experience Suldal?

People have to come to Suldal to experience the Suldal nature and everything else can offer. Soon I will also have Suldal baths, and it will be a great offer for guests and us who cage here.


Lars Veggerland

Lars usually finds one on his bike along the many and varied vegans in Suldal. He is 17 years old and from Sand, and currently attends VG2 at Tryggheim VGS in Nærbø. He has cycled actively with Sandnes cycling club this year.

1. What is your best cycling tip in Suldal?

Blåsjø is my best cycling tip in the municipality. Very nice hike with little traffic road and fantastic scenery, without too demanding slopes. You get up in the hay without you paying so much attention to it. There is a slightly scary tunnel without light right after Øvre Moen, so you should have light.

My best experience on the bike saddle in Suldal is the Kraftrittet route. If you are looking for a long hike with many meters of altitude, this is enough for you, and you should be well trained. The hike is 101 km and has about 2800 altitude meters. The route goes first from Sand and to Jelsa. Then cycle to Erfjord via Foreneset and continue to Jøsenfjorden where the hill starts up to Gullingen. This is a brutal climb of 7.8 km and an average climb of 6.8 percent.

2. What is your favorite experience in Suldal?

I have two favorite experiences on the bike seat in Suldal. It is Blåsjø on a nice summer day and the climb up to Gullingen on the north side where you feel spiked and only can "green on" without feeling tired. The ground, on the other hand, is not a good experience if you are not in shape.

3. What should people experience Suldal?

Suldal is a fantastic place to visit if you like to ride on two wheels because of beautiful and spectacular roads that are not characterized by a lot of traffic. You have everything from long plains between Sand and Suldalsosen to brutal climbs up to Gullingen.


Anne Gunn Kvæstad

1. What are your best fishing tips in Suldal?

For familiar people with young and old, Mosvatnet on a summer day is a nice experience and easily accessible. My wake up was often at Stølen on Froa in the summer. On fine days, me and trolling rowed after the aur—together as I did beach chops for swimming, and lunch cuddles or young mares from the boat and fekk cooled off a little. Now that the cubs have become awake and I fish åleine or with friends, it will be most salmon fishing in Suldalslågen or a trip to Hylen if I fish outside the salmon season.

2. What is your favorite experience in Suldal?

My favorite is Kleivahølen on the home farm, a small deep hole in Lågen. Being able to spend an evening with the fishing rod after the mountain is like a short break and does wonders for body and soul, even if the salmon are absent. My best experience in Suldalslågen is from there, but it wasn't my salmon. The oldest zone caught its first salmon there at the age of 16, which was a 9.1-kilogram fish. He was so high on adrenaline after the game that I thought he was drunk. My "jillast" memory of the barn is such gongs when a young person gets his first salmon.

3. What should people experience Suldal?

Suldal has everything of nature, here are fjords, several salmon rivers and heath to go short or long walks in both for trained and untrained. Ein can experience a coma on mountain tops or have lazy days by a mountain lake and by the sea. Suldal offers many experiences for both familiar and beautiful, somme of dei kostar pengar but nature is free for all.


Jan Horne

Jan Horne is from Kvinnherad and has been a regular guest in Suldal since 1996 when the wild salmon in Suldalslågen made him come to the valley before the first gong. Today he has a cabin at Sand and for the past 16 years he has visited several gongs throughout the year.

1. What are your best fishing tips in Suldal?

For those who are going to fish for salmon, one should familiarize himself with a pair of fishing stretches, and leiga a guide who knows well the stretch one should fish on the princely gong. This saves you a lot of time and, and becomes less uncertain about whether the choir dei good places, reiskapsval and meir. A guide can also inform about prevailing rules, unwritten reglars, behaviour with regard to other fishermen, when the stretch should be allowed to rest and more. In other words, you'll get off to a good start.

If you look at a Møre herring or a chicken fly, it's good moglegheiter. Just chop and bring your better half so that it can develop into a wonderful hobby that they have in common.

2. What is your favorite experience in Suldal?

Good experiences in Suldal have me in buckets and buckets, and it is not easy to pull out only one of them! From the late years there is a memory from 2014, when we had a caravan in a permanent place in Bergekrossen that stands out. It was one of the very warm days at the end of July, and since his wife Janne Berit likar to fish in the afternoon/evening I wanted to take a couple of hours at Øvre Høse just after frukost. It had passed 8 a.m. when I got to my knees in the lower hole (just above Høsebrua) and had started laying out the line. I guess I had fished for a couple of minutes when I broke in branches just behind me and I turned around: there came out a huge moose that stopped at the river's edge less than 15 feet behind me. What should I do now?

It was foolish with retreat moglegheiter where I stood out, and the moose can suddenly coma on attacking about a comb too close. I was "terrified" to say the least, and thought it might be okay to change a certain garment if I got away from this. At least I didn't think about my phone. The moose took a sup of the river, and disappeared up the Fiskeberg hill. There was no more fishing that morning.

3. What should people experience Suldal?

Suldal is a municipality that has made good arrangements for visitors. Here you will find a hiking trail that is well marked both high and low, and it is well facilitated with salmon fishing, salmon safari and salmon studio. In the center you will find a shop, Ryfylkedagane, Strawberry Festival and many other events. There is also plenty of accommodation from Sand center to cabins in the mountains.

I can not recommend a nice summer day at Sand in connection with an event. Maybe you can handle a little, enjoy today's meal from one of the nice serving places that are there, enjoy at least one cork of Jelsastrawberries and round off a sunny day of salmon fishing. Suldal is also a good starting point for other experiences in the region with day trips to between Stavanger, Sauda and Preikestolen.


Kristin Sandvik

Kristin Sandvik was born and awakened in Erfjord, and has contributed to a rich and varied cultural life in Suldal with her involvement in the cultural school and in various song groups. Kristin stayed in Stavanger for a period until this year when she moved back to Suldal.

1. What are your best cultural tips in Suldal?

The salmon studio is a great experience that is centrally located, unique and close to nature. Stranddalen is also a special hike that is easy to coma to even if the tourist cabin is located 1000 meters above sea level.

The cultural centre in Suldal is a common farmhouse for good cultural experiences.

All in all, Suldal is an attractive city for art artists with a good and varied music life in relation to the low population.

2. What is your favorite experience in Suldal?

I have attended many great concerts and events in Suldal. I am especially proud to have the great district music here, as the only city in the region in addition to Voss.

3. What should people experience Suldal?

People should come to Suldal to experience magnificent scenery. Here you get a quiet and quiet day, as you have a myriad of cultural moglegheits.


Agathe Johannesen and Arve Hadland

Agathe Johannesen and Arve Hadland from Stavanger tea with their family at the cabin at Gullingen as often as they can. Through Arve's Instagram account, you get many great insights into walks in the woods and fields, storm kitchens and nightlife. Agatha tells about good experiences they have had with her family in Suldal.

1. What are your best tips in Suldal?

Our best tip is to get up in time to run up on a peak and catch the sunrise, and then go home and eat with the whole gang. Then it's out for a walk all man after frufare. If you have more energy, it can also be a little sunset trip in the evening.

Other good experiences are lying in a tent at Skuteheia, as vera outside when day turns to night is magical for young and old. I usually fish and roast him in the kitchen. It's big for kids to cook food they've caught themselves. If the weather is unstable, we have a shelter that is easy to keep with you. I get great pleasure from watching the kids enjoy themselves in nature and the imagination is seen at work when you get away from the iPad. The kid walking and chattering in a moment makes me moved.

Other great experiences include picking up chanterelles, blueberries and cloudberries, swimming in Mosvatnet and canoeing. Sometimes I travel to Sand to go to the movies, play bowling, borrow books and go to a café. Me has also seen several concerts, and has seen Tønes, Stein Torleif Bjella and commissioned works for children in the beautiful cultural center.

The family loves long ski trips in winter, summit trips on Randonee skis and dog sledding with the little hylands of joy behind our Samoyed. Me is also fond of catching aure in the creek.

Nothing is better than to come into the cabin and happy after a well-closed ride.

2. What is your favorite experience in Suldal?

My favorite Suldal is Skuteheia and Svartevatn. Here you can experience the starry sky and lie outside, and you can enjoy the sunset with the little ones from Onglanuten. I never glare when I and the four-year-old sat in the darkness and looked into the fire a haust. I told him to lie back and look up, and the "yy" that came from him when he saw all the stars I never glow. Svartevatn is often the destination for a quick fishing trip from the cabin.

3. Should people experience Suldal?

People should experience Suldal because it is an unpretentious place where the joy of nature comes first. Here it is not après-ski, the largest mogleg cabin and finast car that are the focus. The combination of fjords and mountains is fantastic. I like the people who live here and it's a short distance to Stavanger.

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