Utsikt mot Suldalsvatnet frå lounge i Energihotellet.
Energihotellet © Statens Vegvesen. Foto: Dag Jenssen

Green Travel

Green Travel

Choosing experiences and places to stay with the "Reis Grønt" label ensures that the companies you support take active environmental responsibility.

Suldal as a "Sustainable destination"

Suldal was marked as a sustainable destination in 2020. "Sustainable destination" is a national scheme provided by Innovation Norway and provides tools for destinations that wish to work in a targeted manner to develop the tourism industry in a way that ensures good experiences today, while at the same time protecting about resources that ensure that future generations also have the basis to cover their needs. This is done by surveying over 100 indicators that focus on economic, social and environmental sustainability. Read more about the scheme by clicking on "Berekraft" at the very bottom of the page.

Environmental certifications

Several of the companies in Suldal also work strategically with sustainability through various environmental labels. To make it easy to choose sustainably when traveling to Suldal, all these actors are marked with the "Travel Green" grass brush here at visitsuldal.no. See all with the certification here.

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