Gullingen turistsenter
Gullingen Turistsenter
Lise Bjelland
Lise Bjelland
Gullingen turistsenter
Lise Bjelland

Gullingen Mountain Lodge

Caravan parking
Tent grounds
Place to eat
Gullingen Tourist Centre, Ski Center and Fjellcamping are located in the heart of the Gullingen area surrounded by great nature experiences. Here you can spend the night, enjoy good traditional food and hire equipment.

Surrounded by nature

Gullingen Tourist Centre, Ski Center and Fjellcamping are located between Mosvatnet and Gullingtoppen, close to the ski centre, ski slopes, hiking network, fishing lake and a number of other great nature experiences. They have 165 beds, divided into 41 rooms and 3 apartments.

Activities throughout the year

In the winter season, Gullingen Trustsenter operates its own ski resort with three slopes and its own heating stove. They also rent out boats and canoes to Mosvatnet in the summer. Several times a year they also offer food service inside the warm living room of the tourist centre. Follow them on Facebook for more information!

Gullingen Mountain Lodge

Season: All year.

Capacity:  41 rooms with 2 or 4 beds in each. 4 flats with 2,4 or 6 beds. Conference facilities.

More info and booking on their website here.

Gullingen Mountain Lodge
has an official eco-certification. On our website the "Tusstock" label will lead to accommodation and experiences that work actively to reduce their footprint and operate sustainably. See the full overview of sustainable experiences here.
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