People outside a lavvu (traditional Sami tent)People outside a lavvu (traditional Sami tent)
Wilderness camp © Mo Laksegard. Photo: Lise Bjelland.
Wilderness camp © Mo Laksegard. Photo: Lise Bjelland
Steiking av laks på bål (Grilling of salmon on a bonfire)
Lise Bjelland

Wilderness camp

Place to eat

At Mo Laksegard's wilderness camp, you can enjoy nature, take part in team-building activities, and savor delicious traditional food. A great activity for a corporate trip or perhaps for a group of friends, isn't it?

Mo Laksegard has two wilderness camps, one located in the forest area just a stone's throw from the Salmon Farm, and the other by the banks of the Suldalslågen river. In the wilderness camps, you can enjoy food service and there is a full bar. Why not bring along good friends, colleagues, or family for a memorable trip?

For more information, please visit Mo Laksegard's website. her.

Wilderness camp
has an official environmental certification. Choosing experiences and places to stay with the "Reis Grønt" label ensures that the companies you support take active environmental responsibility. See all with the certification here.
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