Suldalsporten Foto: Fredrik Fløgstad/Statens Vegvesen
©Skattkammeret Suldal Foto: Dag Jenssen
©Skattkammeret Suldal Foto: Dag Jenssen



Suldalsporten is one of the most iconic natural landmarks in the municipality, where two mountains form a gate on each side of Suldalsvatnet. You can find the sign when you drive along RV12 on the west side of the lake.

Suldalsvatnet is the largest lake in Rogaland, and stretches from Nesflaten in the north to Suldalsosen in the south. Suldalsporten is the most iconic rock formation along the lake, and has almost become a symbol for Suldal. Segna will have it so that on the day seven sisters marry on the same day and travel through the gate, the mountain sides at Suldalsporten will descend.

The water is suitable for those who wish to set out by boat or canoe, which you can rent from Energihotellet and Vikane Hyttetun. There are also good fishing opportunities in the lake, and you can get a fishing license at

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