Sandsfossen waterfallSandsfossen
Sandsfossen © Skattkammeret Suldal Foto:privat
Sandsfossen © Skattkammeret Suldal Foto: Kjetil Brekke/ Suldal Foto
Sandsfossen waterfall
Sandsfossen © Skattkammeret Suldal Foto Jarle Lunde/Suldal Foto



Sandsfossen is located by Laksestudio in Larvika på Sand, marking the area where Western Norway's largest river, Suldalslågen, meets the Sandsfjorden.

The waterfall is a powerful sight, with a total drop of 5 meters. The Salmon Studio is also situated near this waterfall. Visitors can descend to the studio, where they can observe the salmon in the fifth step of the salmon ladder as they make their way from the sea to spawn. Laksestudio is open from May to September each year. For more information on opening times during the summer season, refer to the "What's happening" section.

The salmon season in Suldalslågen is from June to September. If you're fortunate, you might catch a glimpse of the salmon jumping up the waterfall before embarking on their long journey up the river.

Sandsfossen is also within walking distance of the municipal center Sand, offering cafes, shops, a museum, a culture center, a beach, and more.

Easily accessible: There is a car park approximately 50 meters from the lookout point for Sandsfossen. Here there is an open, gravelly area with some slope.


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