Close-up of the red Sandsahytta cabin in beautiful summer natureBird's eye view of Sandsahytta in beautiful Norwegian nature
Sandsa © Stavanger Tourist Association. Photo: Unknown photographer.
Sandsa © Stavanger Tourist Association. Photo: Unknown photographer.
Fugleperspektivbilete av villmarksleik på Sandsa sumaren 2018 (Bird's eye view picture of wilderness play at Sandsa in summer 2018)
Sandsa © Stavanger Tourist Association. Photo: Arvid Berentsen.

Sandsa Tourist Cabin


Sandsahytta is beautifully located in a traditional mountain pasture landscape. Around the large regulated Sandsavatnet lake, there are also other mountain pastures such as Haugastøl, Tjøsheim-Sandsa, Stråpa-Sandsa, and Longanes. To the north of Sandsahytta, there are steep mountain walls, and to the southeast, you can see Svultanuten, with Napen visible in the distance.

The cabin is easily accessible for families with children, and during the most popular weeks in the summer, there is an offer for the cabin host to transport you by boat across Sandsavatnet. You can check with the Tourist Center for the weeks when this offer applies and book the boat at least one week in advance.

The cabin has 44 beds distributed over 12 bedrooms, so there is plenty of space. There is a large dining room and a fireplace lounge, as well as a spacious hallway. The cabin also has a large and spacious terrace with a view of Sandsavatnet. Sandsahytta is self-service and accessible year-round, but it is not recommended to use the cabin in winter due to the highly regulated and dangerous conditions of Sandsavatnet. There is no electricity at the cabin, but it has gas, wood-burning stoves, and candles. Guests are responsible for their own cooking and cleaning. There is no provision storage at this cabin. Payment for the stay is made by filling out a payment authorization form available at the cabin or by downloading the DNT app before departure. The cabin is open to both DNT members and non-members.

If you use Sandsahytta as a base, there are great hikes from Sandsahytta to Napen (1350 meters above sea level), Reinsnuten (1144 meters above sea level), and Svinstølnuten (1178 meters above sea level). As a member of the STF, you have the right to otter and angling fishing in the Sandsavatnet area. Others must purchase a fishing permit for the area.

Facts about the trip:

Distance: 5.4 km

Duration: 2 hours (one way)

Difficulty: Moderate (blue)

Highest point: 730 meters above sea level

Access: Blåsjøvegen near Osane, the eastern part of Sandsavatnet. It is also possible to hike to Sandsahytta from Osen near Sandsavatnet and Kvilldal.

Sandsa Tourist Cabin
has an official environmental certification. Choosing experiences and places to stay with the "Reis Grønt" label ensures that the companies you support take active environmental responsibility. See all with the certification here.
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