Sheep next to a lakeSheep next to a lake
Biking in Suldal © Skattkammeret Suldal. Foto: Private
Biking in Suldal © Skattkammeret Suldal. Foto: Private
A road and a lake
Biking in Suldal © Skattkammeret Suldal. Foto: Private

Cycleing from Nesflaten to Mosvatnet


The trip from Nesflaten to Mosvatnet will take you on narrow roads with the beautiful Suldalsvatnet lake and Suldal nature as your closest neighbour.

The cycle tour to Mosvatnet starts in the hamlet of Nesflaten, where you first pass "Kilen" along FV 691. The area was designed by architect Geir Grung as part of the Røldal Suldal Kraft development, which in the 1960s was Norway's largest industrial project. Today, the residential area, the administration building and what is today the Energihotellet are one of the best-preserved functionalist-style areas in Norway. You left the area by taking a narrow tunnel that takes you towards the northernmost point of Suldalsvatnet.

Furthermore, you cycle on a narrow asphalt road from the construction period close to Suldalsvatnet, where you get a magnificent view of the surrounding nature. You will also pass waterfalls and streams. Along the way is also the starting point for the walk to the iconic rock formation Nipe merka.

Afterwards, the road will take you up in altitude, away from Suldalsvatnet and into the mountain area. Here you will find several good vantage points, trickling streams and beautiful nature. After a climb of 620 metres, you come to Mosvatnet. The area is suitable for swimming, fishing and hiking. Remember to buy a fishing license and read up on the rules for fishing in the area. The Norwegian Tourist Association (DNT) has also developed a rich tour network with tourist huts in the surrounding mountain area. You can read more about this at

Facts about the trip:

·     Km: approximately 19 km one way

·     Heights climbed: ca 620 m

·     Average incline: 5%

·     Starting point: Nesflaten

·     Tunnels: Yes

Cycleing from Nesflaten to Mosvatnet
has an official environmental certification. Choosing experiences and places to stay with the "Reis Grønt" label ensures that the companies you support take active environmental responsibility. See all with the certification here.
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