Children playing in a historical farmChildren playing in a historical farm
Kolbeinstveit © Ryfylkemuseet Foto: Jarle Lunde/ Suldal Foto
Kolbeinstveit © Ryfylkemuseet Foto: Jarle Lunde/Suldal Foto
Children playing in a historical farm
Kolbeinstveit © Ryfylkemuseet Foto: Jarle Lunde/ Suldal Foto

Museumstunet Kolbeinstveit

Arts and crafts
Place to eat

Museumstunet Kolbeinstveit dates back to the 1850s and is one of the most visited facilities of the regional museum Ryfylkemuseet. The facility consists of a number of historic houses that both stood here originally and have been moved here in recent times. A highlight is the Guggedals loft, which is one of the oldest wooden buildings in Rogaland.

In the summer, the museum garden comes to life with hosts and animals on the farm. Here, they welcome visitors in traditional dress, and you can take part in a guided tour, feeding the animals, various traditional games, and much more. They also offer a small farm menu where you can get steaming fresh butter porridge with Suldal ham, waffles, or Suldal beetroot. What about enjoying the meal in a historic atmosphere in one of the rooms, or perhaps out on the terrace with a magnificent view of Suldalsvatnet and the waterfall? There is also an exhibition in the barn every year.

Throughout the year, various events take place at Kolbeinstveit, where you can enjoy a family day with various traditional games and activities in the summer.

Opening hours and more information can be found at

Museumstunet Kolbeinstveit
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